==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. LITIGATION RELEASE No. 14939 / June 7, 1996 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. STANLEY J. FEMINELLA AND DAVID W. GRANSTON, Civil Action No. 96 CIV 336 (AGS)(S.D.N.Y.). The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that the Honorable Allen G. Schwartz of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York has entered final judgment as to David W. Granston in this matter. On January 18, 1996, the Commission filed a complaint alleging as follows: Granston, the former chief financial officer of Consumers Union of United States, Inc. (CU), received kickbacks from Stanley J. Feminella, CU's former stockbroker, beginning no later than May 1985 and continuing for a period of years thereafter. These kickbacks were intended to ensure that Granston would continue to funnel to Feminella CU's lucrative securities investment business. By engaging in this fraudulent kickback scheme Granston violated Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Exchange Rule 10b-5. Granston consented without admitting or denying the allegations of the complaint to the entry of the final judgment, which permanently enjoins him from future violations of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 and orders him to pay a civil penalty of $10,000. The litigation continues as to Feminella, the remaining defendant.