==========================================START OF PAGE 1====== SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 14877 / April 16, 1996 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. TELLUS INDUSTRIES, INC. AND GLEN E. BURKE, Civil Action No. 96CV-00712 (D.D.C.) (filed April 16, 1996) On April 16, 1996, the Commission filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against Tellus Industries, Inc. ("Tellus") and Glen E. Burke ("Burke") of Las Vegas, Nevada, alleging that from 1992 through 1994 Tellus, a publicly-owned telemarketing company, and its president Burke, engaged in a willful fraud on the investing public by failing to disclose that at least five state law enforcement agencies had commenced legal proceedings to prohibit Tellus's lucrative telemarketing operations. The complaint seeks an injunction against Tellus, and an injunction and civil penalties against Burke. The complaint alleges that Burke and Tellus knowingly disseminated materially false and misleading information to investors, in the form of Annual and Quarterly Reports filed with the Commission and at least one publicly disseminated press release that failed to accurately disclose law enforcement actions brought by the states of Wisconsin, Nevada, California, Minnesota and Idaho, and the seizure of records by the United States Postal Service. The complaint alleges that Burke personally profited from the fraud by receiving approximately $1.5 million in salary, loans and other payments from Tellus during the period of the false disclosures.