Comments on NYSE Rulemaking
Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Establishing Fees for Receiving NYSE OpenBookŪ on a Real-Time Basis
(Release No. 34-50275; File No. SR-NYSE-2004-43)
- Eliot Wagner, Chair, Technology & Regulation Committee and Christopher Gilkerson,
Chair, Market Data Subcommittee, Market Data Subcommittee of the Technology and Regulation Committee of the
Securities Industry Association, October 22, 2004 (File name: ewagner102204.pdf)
- Meyer S. Furcher, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., October 11, 2004 (File name: msfurcher101104.pdf)
- R. Bruce Josten, Executive Vice President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, September 27, 2004 (File name: uschamber092704.pdf)
- David Colker, Chief Executive Officer and President, National Stock Exchange, September 24, 2004 (File name: srnyse200443-5.pdf)
- Christopher P. Gilkerson, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., September 23, 2004 (File name: cpgilkerson092304.pdf)
- Ellen L.S. Koplow, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Ameritrade, Inc., September 23, 2004 (File name: ameritrade092304.pdf)
- Thomas F. Secunda, Bloomberg L.P., September 23, 2004 (File name: bloomberg092304.pdf)
- Richard A. Korhammer, Chief Executive Officer, Lava Trading Inc., September 23, 2004 (File name: lavatrading092304.htm)
- Lisa M. Utasi, President and Kimberly Unger, Executive Director, Security Traders Association of New York, Inc., September 22, 2004 (File name: stany092204.pdf)