Subject: Comments on SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Anonymous

Jan. 31, 2024

first line of protection for the OCC, margin collateral from at risk Clearing Member(s), so this rule proposal should be rejected, made fully available for public review, and approved only with significant amendments to address the issues raised herein. 

In light of the issues outlined above, please consider the following modifications: 

Increase and enforce margin requirements commensurate with risks associated with Clearing Member positions instead of reducing margin requirements. Clearing Members should be encouraged to position their portfolios to account for stressed market conditions and long-tail risks. This rule proposal currently encourages Clearing Members to become Too Big To Fail in order to pressure the OCC with excessive risk and leverage into implementing idiosyncratic controls more often to privatize profits and socialize losses. 

External auditing and supervision as a “fourth line of defense” similar to that described in The “four lines of defence model” for financial institutions [12] with enhanced public reporting to ensure that risks are identified and managed before they become systemically significant. 

Swap “3. OCC’s own pre-funded financial resources” and “4. Clearing fund deposits of non-defaulting firms” for the OCC’s Loss Allocation waterfall so that Clearing fund deposits of non-defaulting firms are allocated losses before OCC’s own pre-funded financial resources and the EDCP Unvested Balance. Changing the order of loss allocation would encourage Clearing Members to police each other with each Clearing Member ensuring other Clearing Members take appropriate risk management measures as their Clearing Fund deposits are at risk after the deposits of a suspended firm are exhausted. This would also increase protection to the OCC, a SIFMU, by allocating losses to the clearing corporation after Clearing Member deposits are exhausted. By extension, the public would benefit from lessening the risk of needing to bail out a systemically important clearing agency. 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment as all investors benefit from a fair, transparent, and resilient market. 









[9], which is publicly available and linked to from the OCC’s web page on Default Rules & Procedures at 





A Concerned Retail Investor