Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Maxwell Harding

Jan. 31, 2024


The financial markets have been a place of concern in the passed when reflecting on happenings such as the Bernie Madoff instance. Short selling in particular is a very serious issue we see when talking about investment firms cellar boxing companies to zero valuation. 

We need to regulate our markets such that they are not so manipulable by big money. Hedge funds need more oversight and should be kept accountable on the bets they take on. If they open a massive short position and the stock value increases, a margin call MUST be enacted and the investor MUST close out their positions. The changes proposed would allow these institutions to strip healthy American businesses to the ground. We need to maintain margin calls, and quite frankly, we should have closer eyes on the avoidance of margin calls. Market manipulation is not a valid business model. 

Maxwell Harding