Subject: comment on SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Joshua Bauer

Jan. 31, 2024

I strongly oppose rule SR-OCC-2024-001 and as a household investor I want short sellers to close their shorts. Not roll them over. Not close out shorts and then immediately open new shorts. Not hide them in swaps or in dark pools. 

I want my investment to stop being manipulated. I want my company's stock to start representing the reality of the company, and not the whims of market manipulators. 

If this causes banks or hedge funds to default - they deserved to default because market manipulation is not a valid business model. It's time for our market participants to act responsibly and pay their debts. 

I want margin calls. I want to see bad businesses go into default. I want to see financial criminals face prison time. This is only possible with stricter rules and more aggressive enforcement. SR-OCC-2024-001 is not what our market needs today. 

Thank you. 
Joshua Bauer