Subject: file number SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Soren T

Jan. 21, 2024

to whom it koncern at the SEC 

IT must be time for you to effect the rules that have already been in excistance for the past many years 

as it seems like only the Hedge funds and large US banks are protected against downfall from the various bad behaviour in the last decades 

how can you allow them to continue their fraud instead of protecting us household investors ? 

i have some comments to the proposed rule number SR-OCC-2024-001 

- it seems to be designed to protect the shf´s that have bad bets in various stocks ? 

- it does not allow margin calls to occur, instead it allows these bad bets to grow larger and larger creating potentially even bigger concerns for when putting the thumb on the scale, why this proposal cant work in real life 

- FRM Officers seems to have an inherent conflict of interest--they want to protect OCC and its interest over the wider risk to the overall market these bad bets represent. 

i sincerely hope that the wall street and Hedge funds time is about to run out, as they have been bailed out too many times by now - if trust it broken to the US stock market there will be no more investors dating to trust your financial system and you will loose larger than you will by taking down the fraudsters who are allowed to continue to commit financial fraud in daylight 

thank you for taking the time to listen to a retail investor that have watched the system for the past 3 years and lost lots of money by the SHF´s allowed to continue their scam against all of us normal investors 

Soren T 
from Denmark