Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Eryk N

Thank you once again for allowing me to comment on such proposals (SR-OCC-2021-001; 34-100009). It is a privilege that I, an average American citizen, can comment along side some on the most influential people in finance. I appreciate the time taken to look over all the comments that not only I left but all the others that share the same passion for freer and fairer markets. With all being said, I once again stand my position that changes to margin calculation to ease volatility in markets will only exacerbate the issues we are facing. I support the SEC's decision for ground for disapproval. Volatility is required and is vital for fair markets. We cannot allow rules to be passed to eliminate risk deterrents. Volatility has its needs in the markets. Without it, the market would synthetically be growing. I, alongside many other household investors, fear that this is already happening and passing these rules will further kick the problem down the line. I want to see a future in which Americans do not need to struggle for their share of the work. I want to see families retire in a healthy and happy condition so spend their remaining lives with one another and not chasing a check. That future starts somewhere. I want to see the committee act in the interest of the American people and not the American financial elite. Thank you, Household Investor