Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Brandon

It saddens me to think of how many BILLIONS if not trillions have been stolen by big banks, market makers, and hedge funds. All aided by the criminals at the SEC. We will not rest until everyone who has had a hand in this or looked the other way, is in prison. Counterfeit shares are being made of likely EVERY company in the US stock market and you do nothing. Like cowards...  How many suicides have happened because you've done nothing.. Blood is likely on your hands.. Treason to your country is just one of your many crimes..  You should be ashamed.  This further changes the rules for these criminals. This further hurts investors around the world. How many BILLIONS a day fail to deliver.. How many counterfeit shares are there? This will not go away.. more companies, more CEO's, more people are waking up.  Do the right thing for once. Sincerely Every hard working American