Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Joseph Miller

I am vehemently against this proposal. I want stronger margin requirements. I want more margin calls for market manipulators who continually and irresponsibly over leverage themselves. This rule is about protecting irresponsible market makers, so they can continue to be irresponsible. This rule allows for systemic problems to continue without the proper checks and balances. Market manipulators must face consequences for the position that they have put themselves in with Naked Short Selling and irresponsible behavior. I want more transparency in our markets. I want an end to malicious short selling. I don't want protection for violators with lessened margin requirements so that they can continue stealing from American retail investors. Where are the rules that protect my family from market manipulators. All I see is a rule to protect them from themselves while they continue to over leverage themselves more and more and put our economy at risk. This manipulation has my family in financial ruin, uncertain where myself, my wife, and our toddler will call home, all the while Ken Griffin, an admitted market manipulator, is building the most expensive house on the planet. Please put me in the no column for this rule. Please stop protecting market manipulators with these type of rules.