Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Dominic Fraticelli

SR-OCC-2024-001 seeks to further establish "paper-mache" foundations to an already wobbly market with the ever-changing margin requirements retroactive to the events unfolding in previous years. As an individual investor that has experienced multiple market corrections, I believe we are on course for one of the worst runs yet if these margin requirements pass. It will allow the abusers of the current system to further engrain their arbitrary practices in order to keep the mentality of our current economy alive. If something is designed to fail past a certain point, let it fail. What is the point of establishing goals, if we keep moving the posts whenever a contingency is being met? I ask that every member of America be considered in this decision, as it affects every business in this market, be it directly or adjacently. Thank you.