Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Jeremy Leach

I cannot support this proposed ruling change. You're telling us that you've already been waiving margin increases during increased times of volatility? Are you TRYING to blow up the market? You're blatantly ASKING Clearing Members to take risky bets and then promising you'll have their back by not requiring adequate margin to discourage them from doing so. This is irresponsible at best, and at worst it intentional negligence. (are clearing members paying you to do this? blink twice if you need help) What happens when one of those risky positions goes so bad that you CANT WAIVE ENOUGH MARGIN TO MAKE THEM WHOLE? Do you ask other clearing members to lend them some liquidity? What if those other members don't have any liquidity to spare because they too are tapped out on risky positions that YOUR lack of margin enforcment allowed them to take? Do you just throw up your hands and say "Oops! Sorry!" (hint: that aint good enough for congress buddy) If a position so risky that it poses a risk to Clearing members that aren't even in the position themselves, then there should OBVIOUSLY be a hefty margin requirement. Seriously, guys, it's like you're ASKING to break something. Stop. Please.