Subject: Comments on SR-OCC-2024-001 34-100009
From: Alexis Ranger

May 4, 2024

Dear members of the Securities and Exchange Commission,

I hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out as someone who cares about fair and transparent financial markets. I'm concerned about the proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-001 and wanted to share my opposition to it.
While I understand the rule aims to establish guidelines for OCC's actions during times of high market volatility, I'm troubled by the lack of transparency. Specifically, the redacted details regarding how parameters and margin thresholds are calculated raise serious questions.
Transparency is crucial for market participants to trust risk management measures. The proposed rule's reliance on undisclosed parameters and granting significant decision-making power to a single officer is worrying, especially during volatile periods.
Moreover, the absence of public input in the rule-making process undermines its fairness. Engaging stakeholders is vital to crafting effective and inclusive regulations.
I recommend improvements such as strengthening margin requirements, implementing external oversight, seeking public input, and enhancing transparency. These steps are essential for building trust and ensuring market stability.
In conclusion, I oppose the adoption of proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-001 in its current form and urge a thorough reconsideration.
Thank you for your attention.

Alexis Ranger