Subject: Strong Objection to Proposed Rule Change SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Shawn Montgomery

May 4, 2024

Dear Vanessa A. Countryman, Secretary,

I am writing to express my vehement opposition to the Proposed Rule
Change under SR-OCC-2024-001, titled "Proposed Rule Change by The
Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Its Process for Adjusting
Certain Parameters in Its Proprietary System for Calculating Margin
Requirements During Periods When the Products It Clears and the
Markets It Serves Experience High Volatility." The repercussions of
this proposal are deeply concerning and threaten to compromise the
fairness, transparency, and stability of our financial markets.

?Lack of Transparency: The extensive redactions in Exhibit 5 and
supporting information inhibit meaningful public review and comment,
essential pillars of fair regulation and market integrity.
?Accountability: The attempt by the OCC to shift blame onto U.S.
regulators for not implementing stricter controls displays a worrying
lack of accountability and transparency within the regulatory
?Systemic Risk: The proposal's focus on reducing margin requirements
for Clearing Members disregards the systemic risk posed by potential
failures, prioritizing short-term gains over long-term market
?Conflict of Interest: The proposal codifies a conflict of interest
for the Financial Risk Management Officer, undermining the fundamental
purpose of risk management and regulatory oversight.
?Inadequate Protection: By failing to enforce margin requirements
commensurate with risks, the proposal exposes the OCC and other market
participants to heightened financial risk and shifts the burden of
Clearing Member defaults onto non-bank liquidity facilities, creating
moral hazards.
?Governance Clarity: The governance arrangements outlined in the
proposal lack transparency and clear lines of responsibility, further
eroding trust in the regulatory process.
?Exploitation of Position: The OCC's exploitation of its status as a
single point of failure and attempts to coerce approval of the
proposal set a dangerous precedent of self-serving actions at the
expense of market integrity.
?Stronger Safeguards Needed: Rather than reducing margin requirements,
the proposal should prioritize stronger safeguards, external auditing,
and transparent governance to prevent systemic risks and protect
?Immediate Action Required: Prompt suspension and liquidation of
Clearing Members when projected losses exceed certain thresholds are
imperative to prevent escalating problems and maintain market
?Reducing Systemic Risks: Promoting redundancy and resiliency in
financial markets is crucial to minimizing systemic failures and
avoiding bailouts that undermine market integrity.

In conclusion, I urge you to reject the Proposed Rule Change under
SR-OCC-2024-001. Upholding fair markets, protecting investors, and
ensuring the stability of our financial system require immediate
action and comprehensive measures to address these critical issues.

Thank you for considering my concerns.

Michael S. Montgomery
109 9th Streeet
Apalachicola, FL. 32320