Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Panicking Generation

Mar. 5, 2024

To Whomever at the SEC Remains True to the United States of America: 

SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393, the "Proposed Rule Change by the Options Clearing Corporation Concerning Its Process for Adjusting Certain Parameters in Its Proprietary System for Calculating Margin Requirements During Periods When the Products It Clears and the Markets It Serves Experience High Volatility", CANNOT be allowed to pass in its current form, as it would destroy international confidence in America's investment markets. 

The OCC is attempting to change the rules because it is losing, and has been, since Instinet was allowed to avoid default on or around January 28, 2021. There is already a critical lack of transparency around: a) all involved parties and transactions surrounding derivatives, swaps, and dark pools, which the US taxpayers have a right to know, as all witting and unwitting participants in the giant Ponzi scheme called Wall Street, would number into the millions in guilty pleas; b) how all involved parties have positioned themselves to usurp the retirement funds of millions of worked-to-the-bone Americans to save their skins; and c) how catastrophically huge these market losses would be, because you know that we know that you know that Zero Reserve Banking policies, along with de-regulated and unfettered capitalistic greed, threaten not only to destroy the United States of America, but the entire global economy, and, most frighteningly, America's standing as the World Reserve Currency. 

We are therefore talking about treason, here. And the SEC -- by not cracking down on any and all types of transactions that could jeopardize national security -- will be held complicit if it allows their Rich Friends to "get away with" this carpetbaggery. Has money superseded national loyalties? If so, everyone on Wall Street deserves to lose their seats at the table. EVERYONE. 

E V E R Y O N E . 

America likes to pin the blame on as few perpetrators as possible, sacrificing a figurehead so others can be allowed to "repent", but as we all know, "turning the other cheek" only invites more abuse. This cannot be possible this time around, as there will be a) too many people hurt by decades of insidious erosion of fiduciary duty, and b) too many witnesses. 

There is no other viable collateral to hide behind, which is why the OCC now wants to prevent an unprecedented short squeeze by "taking their ball and going home". You cannot do that to the American people without them noticing. No amount of cheesy, amateur "gameshow commercials" can distract the masses once they learn the truth behind the markets. Is the American government really willing to risk throwing the entire game away, when it was already rigged? 

I mean, don't YOU, the SEC, have the power to call Uncle RICO and go after everyone you have to? You can't be scared of counter-lawsuits when the defendants have been more than happy to risk national security in the name of "chasing profits"? 

Please remember that whatever's in those swaps that everyone fears so much: a debt so large every American will have to be sold off into slavery thrice, at minimum, to begin digging out -- your children, and your children's children, beholden to the debts created by greedy, sociopathic monsters "just trying to survive another day"... while drinking the champagne our more-deserving teachers and civil servants deserve! Let the uncompetitive fail in the "Free Market", as THEY deserve. Expose ALL the rot and fraud in the system, and be hailed heroes, or perish under your own largesse. 

Enforce the Rules. Make the Margin Calls. Excise the Financial Cancers. Force Mandatory Buy-Ins. Make Them Close, Not Just Cover. Save the Pensioners. Give The People True Price Discovery. Do What's Right For All, Not Just The Rich. 

In other words, 


Most sincerely, 
A Hungry American Household Investor