Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Robert Voss

Mar. 4, 2024

To whom it may concern,

      I respectfully request that you deny the hedge fund folks to be able to get any kind of reprieve from their bad investment. I don’t get a reprieve on my bad investment, the banks do, but the banks actually support our country, and the government supported the banks when they failed. It’s not something that our country needs in the United States of America to give the imp When you invest huge and you fail well, will bail you out and give you all of your money back. These things are detrimental to our society and will eventually hurt investors that invest in the stock market because if you give everything back to the hedge fund guys when they invest in a stock like GameStop when the people invested heavily and did not sell, and the hedge fund managers didn’t understand what the people were doing to hedge their bats in a way to take advantage of the consumer, who put their money in an investment to better their lives,  it’s not fair to give the hedge fund guys their money back, because simply the consumer doesn’t get their money back when they make a bad investment. I personally have invested about $45,000 into GameStop stock. I have held onto that stock even though the total value of the stock has plummeted down to about $19,000, I have not sold the stock because I believe that the company is a good company that can persevere through this tumultuous time in our stock stock market and rise above, it has great leaders in the company, and the stock will prove its value overtime. Can I get a reprieve on my investment right now since I’ve lost over $20,000? Tell me where to go to apply and I’ll be the first one to fill out the application for reimbursement of my losses.  by allowing the rule to give them their money back when they make a bad investment is simply the same thing. I would urge you to consider the ramifications in our society if you approve this rule to give the hedge fund companies their money back when they make a bad investment, this is absurd and goes to show that your rewarding bad behavior , if you’d like to discuss this, I’m always open for a discussion. Know several other people personally that have invested their life savings, their 401(k)s, their families, savings and investments into companies like GameStop and others, that if you change this rule, they would lose everything. You would cripple the American consumer, and no one would invest in the stock market again . You could crash the market easily by approving this rule, that sounds drastic, but think about the repercussions of your actions. I personally would stop investing in stocks, if you change, that rule, benefit the hedge from people who take advantage of the consumer on a regular basis.  Much more discussion to have on the subject but I am asking that you deny the people any reprieved for their bad investment and let them absorb the losses that they’ve created on their own. They created the loss let them endure it thank you for your time.

Thank you,

Robert Voss