Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Azides andamides

Mar. 3, 2024

I'm against SR-OCC-2024-001. We need greater transparency. The fact is we caught the big boys with their hand in the cookie jar shorting GameStop and MMTLP. we all know about equity swap lines credits and even YouTube is taking forex swaps and how our dollar is The use of "idiosyncratic volatility control settings" to adjust margin thresholds during high volatility introduces a risk because it lacks transparency in the calculation and implementation process. Without clear guidelines on how these settings are determined, there is a potential for arbitrary or ad-hoc adjustments, allowing the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) to alter the criteria whenever Clearing Members require assistance. This flexibility raises concerns about fairness, as it may create an environment where the rules can be changed based on individual circumstances, potentially favouring certain market participants or introducing an element of unpredictability. 
Such lack of transparency undermines the integrity of financial markets by eroding trust among participants. Financial markets thrive on clear and consistent rules that are applied uniformly to ensure a level playing field. When rules can be adjusted opaquely, it creates uncertainty and diminishes confidence in the regulatory framework. Maintaining trust is essential for the effective functioning of financial markets, and transparency in rule-making and enforcement is a key factor in upholding the integrity of the overall financial system. 
The proposal's supporting evidence, particularly regarding the calculation of margin thresholds, is troublingly redacted. This lack of disclosure undermines the principles of transparency and accountability that are crucial in regulatory frameworks. As stakeholders, we require detailed information on how these adjustments will be made to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all market participants.