Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Dalton Zerlan

Mar. 1, 2024

Dear Sir/Ma'am, 

Thank you for your time. 

To cut to the chase, I will be brief, as well as honest, as I'm sure you are very busy. 

I no longer have a scintilla of trust or faith in the SEC. Over many decades on the planet and a citizen of the United States, I've watched the SEC slowly turn into something akin to a fully captured regulatory body due to classic Wall Street power, influence, and money - as well as basic governmental function (i.e. "revolving door/s") along with the human condition. 

It's so utterly depressing seeing the larger Wall Street network and regime financially brutalizing (and quite literally stealing from) honest, hardworking families across the nation and world - day after day, year after year, decade after decade. 

Nevertheless, I hold out hope for that to change in all the important ways. I welcome you and your team/agency to change the tide in the name of Main Street and the millions upon millions, even billions, of people across the nation and world impacted by market/financial/Wall Street policy. 

With respect to this particular proposed rule, there is a stark lack of clear guidelines, calculation transparency, as well as dubious checks & balances on discretionary authority - all vital in the maintenance, integrity, and stability of the wider markets. 

Do something your grandparents and grandchildren would be proud of. 

Thank you, again, for your time. 

Dalton Zerlan