Subject: Comment on File number SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Rich Stike

Feb. 19, 2024

Dear Sir, Ma’am, 

Regarding the above mentioned file number, All the pertinent materials to further evaluate this rule are REDACTED--how can anyone truly judge if this proposal is effective or not? This rule seems designed to protect bad bets. 
By not allowing margin calls to occur, it allows these bad bets to grow larger and larger creating potentially even bigger concerns for when putting the thumb on the scale just won't work 

Looking at this conversely, what would happen if stocks high price was limited by a similar rule? How can true price discovery be achieved if stock prices, both long and short positions are limited? Limiting margin requirements will not allow true price discovery. 

When Citadel claims their job is to set the true price of a stock, how can an investor honestly invest in a company hoping to achieve a fair return on their investment? The average investor believes the market is rigged and achieving a return based on the companies earnings is no longer possible. 

We do want a market that reflects American values. 

Thank you for your consideration of these statements. 

Richard Stike 

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