Subject: Regarding file number: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Sammy Kleege

Feb. 19, 2024

To Whom it May Concern:
I am writing to express my views on the proposed adjustments by the OCC regarding margin requirement calculations during periods of heightened market volatility.
I firmly believe that no leniency should be granted to individuals or entities engaging in speculative activities, particularly hedge funds that contribute little to market stability.
I find it puzzling that governmental bodies, funded by taxpayers, continue to formulate or modify regulations that appear to disproportionately benefit the wealthy and certain hedge funds, rather than prioritizing fairness and transparency in the market. Investors in companies like Gamestop have endured manipulation and unfair tactics aimed at suppressing stock prices over a prolonged period.
If there are entities deemed "too big to fail," they should bear the full consequences of their actions. The resilience of the average American should not be underestimated. If such entities are deeply entrenched within our economic system, it reflects a failure on the part of regulatory bodies to safeguard citizens from the consequences.
Retail investors have adhered to regulations, engaging in legal and fair practices, with the expectation of equitable treatment within the system. However, it has become evident that the concerns of the majority are being disregarded. While many within regulatory agencies may perceive themselves as upstanding individuals, there are concerns about undue influence.
History demonstrates that when governance fails to serve its populace, discontent festers. It is imperative that we refrain from further amending regulations to favor a minority.
Any amendments to margin requirement regulations could erode confidence in the US stock market. As a retail investor seeking parity within the system for all stakeholders, including future generations, I urge you to carefully consider the implications of these proposed regulations.
Respectfully, Sammy