Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Bobby Dehetre

Feb. 13, 2024


I am a rather new investor. I started in 2018, and since then I have learned a lot. Mostly that the whole finance sector is unbelievably corrupt. It's actually hard to believe how bad it is, and how the people doing it don't realize they are also harming themselves for a short-term sort of gratification. 

We need the SEC to fix this, It's getting bad. These scumbags will crash the market to hide their dirty laundry. A lot of the corruption came out with the GameStop thing. You guys absolutely failed to protect retail. As a result people got on Reddit and made a lot of posts exposing this. Some of these people are nuts, but some of them make really good points. 

I'm sending the email to oppose this rule in its current state, and ask you to intervene. It literally just gives more power to change the rules and protect their buddies.. Like they pretty much did with GameStop. The rule lets them change margin requirements if they're too high basically. They probably got that way because of bad behavior. The reason I brought up Reddit eariler is because I found a post that explains the reasons this is unfair, way better than I could ever. 

They're not even trying to hide the corruption anymore, and that is concerning. This rule is not competitive or fair. It's like a little kid saying they "have a shield" when you used to play fight as a kid. No reason they do, they just get to win because... 

Let me be fully transparent with the intention of this email. I don't trust that you guys will do the right thing. There have been ample examples of complacency in the SEC. I'm sure it's not everyone, but enough to stop things from working properly. 
I'm sending this because if you don't do your job, and regulate this obviously unfair and anti-competition rule. There will be more evidence for the FBI after the massive financial crisis all of this can-kicking causes. I can assure you that when and if that happens I will send a copy of this their way. 

Maybe you'll prove me wrong though. 
