Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Gregory Marti

Feb. 13, 2024


I strongly oppose this proposal that the OCC can yield the power to waive a margin call. If the reason for this proposal is to mitigate the risk of market instability and volatility due to a margin call, it absolutely does not solve the real problem that caused the margin call in the first place. They HAVE to be held accountable for the numerous reasons that cause a margin call in the first place. If there is no accountability, it incentivises the OCC and others to continue with the poor practices and procedures that led up to that point. Time and time again these entities have proven self-regulation is not effective or beneficial for the majority of investors. It will be the retail investors and the taxpayer that suffer. Please act in the best interest of Americans, not the OCC and large financial institutions. 


Gregory B. Marti