Subject: N/A
From: Susan Lloyd

Feb. 11, 2024

Dear Administrator, 
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393 

As a retail investor, I look at this redacted proposal and wonder who could believe it is equitable or in any way a solution to the current problem, in anything but the absolute shortest of time frames. 

The mandatory enforcement of margin requirements 
is essential to prevent levels of systemic risk escalating. 
To consider waiving some of these at times of stress (for the most risky participants whose behaviour has caused most of the systemic risk in the first place) is patently absurd. 
The most powerful, influential parties, taking the most risk have the disincentives removed that would serve to reduce this behaviour, while the retail investor and the much wider community, that, never knowingly, comes anywhere near financial markets, will face financial devastation by other parties' risk taking behaviour. 
I would therefore urge you to consider the plight of ordinary people, who you have a duty to protect, if, as a result of this proposal, risk taking parties are allowed to avoid posting cash or collateral when their positions fall in value. 
Once again thank you for the opportunity to share my opinion. 
Yours sincerely, 
Susan Lloyd.