Subject: SR-OCC-2024-00134-99393
From: Maxx Anderson

Feb. 8, 2024


As a retail investor who is constantly victimized at the hands of large financial institutions and captured regulatory bodies, It is hard to put into words how pathetic of an attempt this proposal is to circumvent justice and the law. These big financial institutions know that they are losing and will eventually be subject to margin calls and the fact that they are attempting to create a law that makes it impossible for them to lose, is a disgrace. After years of abuse and criminal short selling, it should be glaringly obvious that this is nothing more than a shameless effort to ensure that they do not have to pay for their mistakes, at our expense. This is completely unacceptable and any regulator that supports this proposal should be marked as a co-conspirator in one of the largest financial crimes in history. The whole world is watching. The whole world knows Wall Street is at their Armageddon moment. Do the right thing and reject this proposal. Hold these people accountable, or we will hold you accountable. The whole world is a stage and we are all watching what you will do next. Do the right thing. 


David Anderson 
Retail Investor