Subject: Re: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99394
From: Drew Boiano

Feb. 8, 2024

On Thu, Feb 8, 2024, 5:26 PM Drew Boiano <> wrote: 

Hello, my name is Andrew Boiano and I am a retail investor and I am seeing that OCC is trying to reduce margin Requirements, now of all times. It is truly a joke to see HedgeFunds and Market Makers alike manipulate the markets with spoofing, price pinning and making illegal Tokenized Synthetic Shares from Crypto just so they don't have to pay their bad bets. OCC to lower Margin Requirements should never be passed, just to steal more Hard working Americans money from good American companies, but it has gone far enough. This rule should not happen and I personally am totally against the OCC rule to lower Margin Requirements. I will be sure to keep one for my personal file also Thanks for your time Andrew Boiano.