Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Royall Cummings

Feb. 8, 2024

Dear Sirs:

I am writing on behalf of countless investors that rely on a fair and just market. When considering the above proposal, I ask that the investment public is deeply considered when deciding on changes to the margin requirements of market Clearing Members. If foul play is afoot, unscrupulous members will continue such acts until it becomes extremely prohibitive to act in such a manner. “Extremely Prohibitive” is a term that must deter a participant. Understanding that the markets must be protected from bad actors taking it down due to illicit behavior, there should be a fee, or “Extremely Prohibitive” measure already in place to prevent the necessity of such a proposal. Perhaps a requirement to remove the potential volatility should be put in place. Changes that are implemented on this proposal will have a profound effect on the public perception already tarnished from nefarious actors ongoing and also brought to light in most recent times.

Please consider your decisions carefully and remember your duty to protect the retail investor so they can entrust that their support of companies that they believe in and that American ingenuity can exist and will persist in the future for America’s prosperity.

Thank you,
Royall Cummings
Retail Investor