Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Bob Magrath

Feb. 8, 2024

This is the first time I have ever felt the need to write the government. 
I have been watching for the last two years your lack of action in policing the market in regard to FTD’s and 
Naked Shorting. Because of your lack of action you are now backed into a corner where the bad actors are 
Begging you to let them off the hook by removing by removing “Margin Calls”. You’ve done nothing to protect the retail investors
From these sharks on Wall Street like Citadel. 
Firms like Citadel will bring down the whole system because they seem to have unlimited leverage, unchecked. 
Ken Griffin keeps trying to point his finger at the Banks and say that’s where the problem lies.
Pure BS, he wants you to look the other way while he shorts everything under the Sun including US Treasuries.
If the SEC responds by allowing these crooks on Wall Street to get off the hook and not be regulated by Margin Calls, then
These bad actors will continue to kick the can down the road and short everything they choose without being regulated.
Laws were created in this country to protect investors from CRIMINALS. I Protest that the SEC would even consider to remove
Margin Calls from the system. Margin Calls protect the system from abuse!!! 
Allowing the shorters to get away with this abuse is like allowing a Bank Robber to come into a Bank and steal everyone’s money by 
Forcing the Security Guards to Put down their weapons. Stop this insanity and Stop the criminals from stealing from Investors!!!
Enforce the MARGIN CALLS!

Robert Magrath