Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Anonymous

Feb. 8, 2024

I am STRONGLY AGAINST giving immunity to any and every market participant that claims they are “too big to fail” a lifeline from being margin called! This is ridiculous that a hedge fund/market maker can gamble away peoples money with bad bets then get bailed out with the same peoples money! This isn’t a free market if there isn’t a winner and a loser! You can’t keep changing the rules forever so that big hedgefunds win every time! This country is going down a dark path if this fraud and manipulation continues! If I make a bad bet in the stock market I’m margin called and have to pay for it, the same should apply to any and every other entity! So I’m STRONGLY AGAINST this!!

Thank You,
Allen Smith
Pensacola, FL