Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Roger Crews

Feb. 8, 2024

Dear SEC, 

Good evening. I, the working class 
of America, the "retail investor", the everyday person, have been so disappointed in the SEC & how its handled the stock market. You guys in office, have not done your job to protect the "retail investor" from any harm in the stock market. I will be further disappointed in you if you pass this criminal proposal rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Fair is fair, and if wallstreet needs to be margin called, oh well!!!!! Thats how it goes!!!!! You cannot cheat us out of our money that we have made!!!!!! We have family!!!!!!! We have kids!!!!!! We have people that depend on us!!!!!!!! We have bills to pay!!!!!!!! We need money to stock our refrigerators with food for the people that depends on us!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its our turn now!!!!!!!! The little people!!!!!!! Wallstreet lost to us!!!!!!! The apes!!!!!!!!! 
Now, please do your job, and regulate wallstreet how you are supposed to!!!!!!!!!! You will be remembered in history how you in charge of justice handled this!!!!!!!! Be on the right side of history. And if the SEC handles this the wrong way and approves this rule, i hope that President Donald Trump fires all of you and regulates the whole USA under the name of justice!!!!!!! 

- R 
(A retail investor & citizen of the United States Of America.)