Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Preston

Feb. 8, 2024

I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the proposal, SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393. 

I am highly OPPOSE this proposal and demand that the right decision be made for the sake of the entire market’s integrity. I am calling for this detestable and grossly offensive bill to not be passed. It serves as a complete disregard for ongoing transparency issues in the market along with forgoing any responsibility to disclose the consequence of any involved party in regards to their leveraged positions. How dare you consider putting the needs of overextended corporations before those who compete on a lower scale. Are you not aware that this demonstrates little to no regard for individual investors? Do not play favorites with the high frequency algorithmic traders because you will surely face a consequence. It is time to dispose of this worthless bill and fall back in line with your intended purpose which is to uphold integrity in this market. Are you not aware how far this market has come from any sense of morality? 

Preston Thompson