Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Allei Kyles

Feb. 7, 2024

As a retail investor, I OPPOSE this rule proposal. The SEC's purpose is to not only protect the markets, but also to ALL who participate in these markets, as per your misson statement that is available to view on your website. "...we work together to make a positive impact on the U.S. economy, our capital markets, and people’s lives". However, this rule will not provide a beneficial impact on the U.S economy, markets, and its retail investors. 

If this rule were to pass, this organization would further serve as the antithesis for what it was founded for. It is not fair, nor is it right to allow margin calls to continually be waived for Clearing Members. We [retail investors] all are aware of the risks when investing in these markets. It is only fair that this is acknowledged towards the institutions that participate within these markets as well. 


A Concerned Retail Investor