Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: jr m

Feb. 7, 2024

To all intended parties, I am a Canadian Citizen who is very concerned of the new purposed rule 
SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393. I believe this rule to be immoral and unjust if passed. If emplaced there will be no consequence or any sense of action for entities or intended parties to cover their short positions. No consequence will create further loss of faith and/or no confidence with retail investors. We do not have much faith in The SEC currently and this will be the nail in the coffin in consumers' eyes. Enforcement will NOT just occur just during times of volatility but in general. The action taken by the SEC is not just being overseen in the United Stated of America but worldwide and will have a negative impact and dire consequence if the intended rule is passed. I employ you to heed my waring and not implement this new action as criminals who are massively overleveraged will continue to destroy good companies and hardworking people who are invested and work in these corporations. They are the casualty of this greed/negligent behavior. This rule will hurt retail, the economy, and negatively impact future generations, creating a further wealth gap. The criminal entity(s) will continue to siphon money by using this rule as their own tool/device for their personal gain from retail investors who are currently struggling due to inflation. I ask you to do what is ethically correct and have a strong sense of justice and morality, by shutting down this new act. It is crucial for not just consumers but for the well-being of every country and economy as the U.S.A is the center stage of the world. If we let this happen, the corruption/criminality will further continue to be unchecked causing systematic risk and lead to a financial collapse. I strongly advise, listen to the retail consumer(s) as we are the back bone of every country and if we break then every aspect of the economy will implode. I ask the SEC to not serve the self-interests of the parties with political influence and the lobbyists at the hands of the rich but that of the average consumer. Thank you for the time taken to read my concerns and I employ the SEC to do what is right instead of what is easy. 

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