Subject: Re: SR-OCC-2024-00134-99393
From: Errol O. Nolan

Feb. 7, 2024

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 7, 2024, at 2:31?PM, Errol Nolan <> wrote:
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> To whom it may concern,
> I was made aware of this travesty of fairness to the regular investors in this RIGGED market we call the stock market by a few YouTubers I follow. Not that I didn’t know for myself that the stock market was ALWAYS rigged against the little guy and rigged in favor for the THIEVING RICH and WEALTHY individuals and organizations  that thinks they are smarter and better than everyone else. I’ve come to realize that the only thing rich people are better at is knowing how to steal from the poor, cover it up, and then act like we are just ignorant, worthless idiots that are too dumb to move ahead in life. And, I was fooled at one time in my life, and actually believed that I was not doing something right and that was why I couldn’t get ahead. But now I see clearly that the game is RIGGED!!! And until someone in a position of power decides to do the right thing and stop the THIEVERY, the people that are really trying to do the right things and follow the rules of the game will never have a fair shot at winning. Y
> So to this proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-00134-99393, which in my feeble understanding is basically changing the rules of the game in the middle of the game just because you’re loosing the game??? How is this ok??? How about if I and all my fellow retail investors leverage ourselves 100 times over with monies we don’t even have, monies just made up out of thin air, then when it’s time for me and all my fellow retailers to pay back this over leveraged monies we just ask to change the rules that would give us new unlimited and infinite leverage capacity so we can continue kicking the can down the road UNTIL we devise a way to win! How would YOU feel about that? I hope you would be ok with it because that is exactly what is being proposed here in this rule proposal. We may not have the money you guys have but we are not stupid!
> Let me be clear, this rule cannot be passed! PERIOD !!! It’s wrong and you that are in charge know it , after all you are supposed to be the smart ones??? The people wanting this passed have been stealing for years and now they got caught and it’s time to pay the little people that got it right for once. The hedge funds, big banks, and market makers got it wrong, they can’t just change the rules because they are loosing. If they get margin called so be it, they MUST PAY … that’s the rule right, am I wrong? If I’m wrong please advise. The rules of the stock markets applies to us, it MUST apply to ALL! Otherwise what’s the point, it would be just plain Stealing, just plain making up stuff that not reality to suit whatever is beneficial to themselves.
> People in charge, Do the right thing this time around, Do not pass this rule change. If for nothing, you will know you did the right thing, and you just might sleep better at night knowing you didn’t help a bunch a thieving rich people get richer by stealing more money from the little guys that got it right for once.
> The institutions made a bet and lost! Now let them PAY US!
> BigE1328
> Sent from my iPhone