Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393

Feb. 7, 2024

I as well as several MILLION retail investors are HIGHLY opposed to this, you guys are rolling in the wrong direction and, on the wrong side of history.. Your actions and decisions that favor the banks, Market Makers and hedge funds and political agendas and future careers with these institutions are being monitored, and documented for future criminal investigations and prosecutions under the RECO act. 

Everything you do that smells of collusion, favoritism, is being monitored by Millions of retail investors, shared information regarding your illicit and immoral actions. 

If this passes, your legacies will be besmirched at best and prison time at last. 

You guys are supposed to protect the retail investor and you have FAILED at every corner, not only that, you have protected and colluded with the companies, organizations, gov and private institutions to do the exact opposite of the jobs you were hired to do. 

All of you working in a coordinated effort to destroy the retail investor... 

You should be ashamed, your jobs taken away, prosecuted and jailed just from what has happened in the past, passing this proposal only further cements the belief of my above comments. 

May god have mercy on your soul because when the shit hits the fan, you will find no support from the retail investor. 

Bob Brucker