Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Dustin Ricci

Feb. 7, 2024

I am a retail investor and have been for over three years, I have invested in a few companies that have been naked shorted. If this rule goes through it’s paramount to criminal activity. It’s wrong and unfair to let corporations that over leverage their position and knowingly do so to bankrupt companies that are a major part of the stock market. To allow such egregious behavior to be dismissed, ignored or even looked over is crazy. The retail investors do not get such privileges as this when we over leverage nor should the mega companies that make more than that of the average retail investor. To blatantly extend or make margin calls impossible to execute is affront to capitalism for which this country is run on is criminal. I disagree with kicking the can down the road because hedge funds willingly short retail. There is no excuse for this. I am one of millions who believe that this is criminal. I would hope you reconsider this action for if it is not there will be millions of lawsuits. Yours respectfully Dustin Ricci