Subject: SR-OCC 2024-001
From: Adam Baker

Feb. 7, 2024

To whom it may concern: 

I am writing to express my grave concern for the proposed rule change by the Options Clearing Corporation SR-OCC 2024-001. If this rule change is allowed and implemented, all trust in the stock market will be lost. The corner stone of stock exchanges has always been to be able to buy a stock in a solid company and hold until that company becomes successful. If the proposed rule change is allowed, the success or failure of the company will no longer be the point of interest for the investor, but rather it would become a question of whether or not the company is being shorted. If the OCC can increase margin requirements whenever high volatility is detected no financial institution would ever cover their short positions. 

The SEC must stop this kind of behavior immediately. The SEC must not allow OCC to make the rule changes as described in SR-OCC 20.24-001 

thank you for accepting my comment, 

Adam Baker.