Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001-34-99393
From: Brian O'Quinn

Feb. 7, 2024

To whom it may concern, 
I'm writing to you to talk about my concern about the new proposed OCC rule SR-OCC-2024-001-34-99393. Please explain how this new rule will benefit me as a retail trader. This rule benefits all the parties that are actively against my trades. How can you allow margin call requirements to be changed at will when the OCC wants to. This rule allows these parties to actively rob me. The SEC is supposed to protect someone like me, if this rule is allowed to pass then you are in direct neglect of your duties to protect me. This is a shameful attempt to rob retail investors and as far as I'm concerned is criminal. I will have to seriously reconsider any further trading in the fraud market this rule allows. This is also a gross conflict of interest seeing how most members of the board at the OCC have previous connections to these parties that this rule benefits. Please do your job and protect retail traders from this abuse. Thank you for your time. 

Brian K O'Quinn