Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Brian the Crafty Cocktailer

Feb. 7, 2024

I am a retail investor. There are millions of us against this rule change, and there are even more than don’t realize the repercussions this rule has. The banks and hedge funds know something is coming and are looking for a way to, once again, take advantage of retail. Margin calls are necessary in order to keep more manipulation at bay! If you take away the fear of margin calls you’re letting the hedge funds and banks that sold more shares than even exist off the hook! The balance is they have all these tools and loopholes to use in the name of "liquidity" to short a stock and drive it down in price far below what's possible. We expect that because on the other side is a possibility of a margin call to where all the shorts would become buyers of a stock. If you take away margin calls in a volatile situation you are making an already unfair situation worse for retail! The SEC is supposed to protect the retail investors. This rule change is 100% against helping retail!