Subject: Comments on File SR-OCC-2024-001
From: T.Smith

Feb. 7, 2024

I'm commenting on SR-OCC-2024-001. 

First off, why are the pages with data enabling a critical analysis of this rule redacted? This is not enabling the retail investor with the ability to make informed comments. Are these redacted sections hiding something that further obscures honest, free and fair markets? We the People want to know what is being hidden from view. 

Bottom line, this rule is basically changing requirements to limit market movement, to enable further illegal activity, not allowing margin calls - continued abuses to the market of short sellers. It is time to make short selling illegal, not further allow market manipulation via control settings and extended deadlines. Changing rules in the middle of a game is not fair to investors, it is serving those who are performing illegal actions requiring this kind of proposal. I'm dead set against this rule, and you all need to get back to the drawing board, make the illegal actions illegal - enforce the existing rules! Get rid of the bad betters, they are ruining the markets. By helping them reach margin requirements, this further corrupts the market, it does not go to the root of the problem. 

The time for market reforms is yesterday, it is NOW, it is by not allowing this rule to become enforced. Rather, make those who abuse the current system accountable, get them out of the markets. The citizens of the united states demand free and fair markets, not rules to enable further pillaging of our hard earned investments. 

Therese A. Smith 
Citizen, Taxpayer, and 
Retail Investor 

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