Subject: SROCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Carmen Medina

Feb. 7, 2024

To whom it may concern, 

I am a retail investor and find this rule very one sided, when market makers and clearing houses can just remove all requirements for margins, the many loop holes used to destroy any investment made my retail investors. 

It's allows those with the most money and power to endlessly short companies who they find unworthy, not the actual market dynamics, not only that they use naked shorts to do this and send over all short data to another country constantly and having them closed illegally just because it's out of sight and out of mind. 

What is the point of having laws and changing them so often to benefit those in power but those who have a chance for wealth gets destroyed by those on top, like a child having a tantrum and not playing anymore because the rules they wrote don't benefit them, even the OCC said they would not look at any comments or responses in their most recent anticipated change. 

I am disgusted and find this very unfair to retail investors when it's obvious they are targeting retail investors in the most insane ways, from short and distort, to actual violence from posters online, saying we will be killed for holding a stock with good business fundamentals. 

As the SEC isn't it your job to protect retail investors? 

Yet more and more rules are proposed and the only rules used to protect retail are not enforced. 

Retail has been investigating all the fraud and has countless of evidence of big market makers, hedge funds and family offices sent to your door step yet your organization doesn't do any to help, when Will you out actually help? 
When will you actually do something to protect retail investors and enforce said laws? 

Until I see a change I won't stop protesting and fighting for my right to prosperity like all your friends. 

If you take my money you have to protect me too, if they don't want to do business with retail then they shouldn't take retail orders at all. 

IOUs are not real shares, it's fraud.