Subject: Comments on SR-OCC-2024-00134-99393
From: S

Feb. 7, 2024

I vehemently oppose this rule proposition. Enough is enough. I have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last few years due to blatant market manipulation. This market manipulation is so obvious anyone can see it. I beg the SEC to do its job to stop this clear market manipulation. I question why the United States of America is becoming the last country To see the obvious on what these hedge funds, Banks, family offices, etc. are doing to steal from retail investors. These criminals should not get a get out of jail, free card for manipulating our markets and steal which put them in a bad position. Please, do not approve this rule for the sake of retail investors who have been robbed for many years by these Entities. Enough is enough it’s time for the SEC to act on this clear manipulation and do the right thing. Thank you for your time and consideration..


Sean B
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