Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Casey B

Feb. 7, 2024

I vehemently oppose SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393 

The SEC doesn't need to consider a rule that allows overleveraged recidivist hedge funds to avoid margin calls during periods of heightened volatility. 

The SEC still hasn't adequately implemented or bothered to enforce congressional mandates; Reg Sho. Hedge fund financial terrorists don't need any more assistance then they already have from the SEC to rape household investors. 

Margin requirements should be increased dramatically during periods of heightend volatility, not the opposite. 

The SEC has already proven that household investors will be completely shut out of the market and have their life savings stolen during periods of heightened volatility. The evidence comes from the "meme stock events" of January 28th 2021 & the lack of regulatory competence since those events occurred. 

Recidivist Wall St "professionals" do not need any more loopholes or help from regulators to continue to steal from household investors. 

It's time for Wall St to pay what they owe.