Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Kyle Aken

Feb. 7, 2024

I am reaching out to express my disgust for this rule proposal. I, like many others, have been supremely disillusioned as to how our stock "market" operates. 

These market makers have already demonstrated they are able to operate with impunity and can solely decide the price of any security. 

I cannot stress to you enough how angry fed up people are with these inequities. Our entire system is built on the principle that to the victory goes the spoils. 

If this rule passes, it is just another way in which that ecosystem is disrupted, if it ever existed at all. 

Whether you are a hedge fund or a retail investor, there has to be a downside to making bad plays, otherwise it compromises the integrity of the entire system. 

A cascading margin call will not create systemic failure, failing to enforce the margin call will 

If the rule passes it will have sweeping implications. People are already enraged, participating less and less in what is becoming an increasingly obvious rigged system. 

It is painfully clear that there are some thumbs on the scale. These funds that play with trillions of dollars recklessly have gotten so much of it forgiven, and people are paying attention. 

No one is sitting on the sidelines. People are not going to continue to let their tax dollars fund and bail out the very people using it to exploit them. 

A healthy system needs to punish mistakes and reward successes or that is what will lead to cataclysmic system failure. 

Capitalism has to apply to banks and hedge funds the same as it does everyone else or it doesn't work.