Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Jarrett Porst

Feb. 7, 2024

Investor with the Republic: Jarrett Porst 

It is expected that all shorted stocks are to be Margin Called immediately. The cleansing of the system of all shorts in the US Stock Market and or any translation of shorted stocks from the US Stock Market into ledgers, crypto, alternate stock, will finalize the use of shorting which does not coincide with the comments of the 33rd Chair Gary Gensler when he states that Gary is “Committed to investor protection, fair markets & capital formation”. 

Any delays, manipulation, rule making, adjustments to rules, Margin Call delays, Margin Call manipulation, further protection to those that are involved in Lending shares for shorting, and to those shorting of lended shares must cease and desist effective immediately. Anything less than immediate forced Margin Calls will be considered knowingly defrauding the United States Republic of all moneys invested into these investment paths known as Stocks of the United States Stock Market on all exchange platforms. 

It is known that Gary is fluent in the Naked Shorting of stocks. The equivalent of US Government sanction/supported Grand Larceny against the United States Republic. Forced Margin Calling all shorted stocks will affect an exact fairness returned to the Republic of the United States. 

The future of shorting stocks, Calls, Puts, should be eliminated from the US Stockmarket to embrace and secure the “Committed to investor protection, fair markets & capital formation”, claim that is published by Gary Gensler. 

Expectation of future stock market operation is simply averaging the value of the stock based on volume and price paid. Exactly the method used to calculated average price paid for individual investors. Furthermore all transactions are to affect stock price within 10 seconds of investor entry.