Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 Comment
From: HS Three

Feb. 7, 2024

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed rule change by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) to adjust parameters for calculating margin requirements during periods of high market volatility. As a stakeholder in the financial markets, I believe it is crucial to address several apprehensions regarding this proposed alteration.
First and foremost, I am deeply concerned about the potential impact of these adjustments on market stability. Margin requirements play a pivotal role in risk management within the derivatives market, and any significant changes to these parameters have the potential to introduce volatility and uncertainty. Given the interconnectedness of financial markets, such alterations could reverberate across various sectors, potentially destabilizing the broader market environment.
Furthermore, I am troubled by the perceived lack of transparency surrounding certain redacted materials associated with this proposal. Transparency is paramount in fostering trust and confidence within the financial system. Without access to comprehensive information, stakeholders are left in the dark regarding the rationale behind proposed changes, hindering their ability to provide informed feedback and assess potential implications adequately.
Additionally, I must address the inherent conflict of interest associated with the role of the Financial Risk Management (FRM) Officer in this matter. As a key decision-maker within the OCC, the FRM Officer is tasked with safeguarding the integrity and stability of the derivatives market. However, the dual responsibility of managing risk while also promoting the OCC's interests poses a potential conflict, raising questions about the impartiality of decision-making processes.
In light of these concerns, I urge the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the relevant regulatory body to thoroughly reconsider the proposed rule change. It is imperative to prioritize transparency, risk mitigation, and the broader market's well-being in any regulatory decision-making process. I advocate for a comprehensive review that solicits input from diverse stakeholders and carefully evaluates the potential impacts on market stability and investor confidence.
Thank you for considering my perspective on this matter. I remain hopeful that our collective efforts will contribute to the continued integrity and resilience of our financial markets.

Daniel Weston