Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Yvonne Carns

Feb. 7, 2024

I am writing to comment on the newly proposed rule change by the OCC. 

I am writing to tell you that we individual investors deserve fairness in the stock market. 

If this rule passes I promise I will never invest another dollar in the stock market EVER AGAIN. 

Not only that, I will also make it my life's work to remove any politician who oversees and allows this absolute nonsense. 

These bankers, hedge funds, market makers and family offices have been allowed to cheat and steal from retail investors for too long. This needs to stop. The SEC should protect us and enforce existing laws. 

What is America even worth anymore? Regular, hardworking individuals are cheated daily by illegal naked shorting, spoofing, cheating and stealing. 

I would appreciate a response. 

Yvonne Carns 
Real Estate Broker 
Real People Realty 
Top 5% in Illinois 

Yvonne Carns 
Real Estate Broker 
Real People Realty 
Top 5% in Illinois 