Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393: Lawsuit
From: Eric Straussberger

Feb. 7, 2024


Incredulous to believe the amount of securities fraud and felonies I have witnessed from short hedge funds the past 3 years. 

I can tell you if this rule passes, you, the FED, Short Hedge Funds, Banks. NYSE, FINRA, and all involved will be staring down the barrel of class-action lawsuits from 4 million investors. It will be publicized for the whole world to know. This isn’t some facetious statement - this is serious. 

The amount of money laundering through Chinese SCAM IPO’s such as HKD and MEGL from short hedge funds is completely unacceptable not to mention an unprecedented mark of a serious felony. We have all the evidence we need to win in court. 

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. These are real people’s lives here at stake Gary. Do what is right and have some 
integrity & dignity. Wouldn’t your family want the same? A man to be of honor? That’s what you were sworn in to do as the SEC Commissioner. 

Thank You, 
