Subject: Sr-occ-2024-00134-99393
From: anthony gamboa

Feb. 7, 2024

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the new rule change made by the options clearing corporation for new margin requirements. The markets have been robbing retail for decades and this rule will only make it easier for them to keep stealing. If you pass this rule there will be Kaos. People will raise hell. Everyone will pull all their  money out because there’s no point. You might as well throw your money out the window. If your job is to protect the public and make sure the markets have transparency then this is one way to tell retail you’re on our side. To give the little guy a fair chance in the markets. The criminals that are running in the markets today will be the only ones to benefit  from this. Naked shorting is ridiculous in our markets just look how well  the markets do  in other countries when they ban shorting. Do your job and help us wash these criminals out so more people invest in our markets and know that they’re safe to. Pension funds as well. Thank you for your time.
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