Subject: SUBJECT: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393 - Proposed Rule Change by The Options Clearing Corporation
From: CN

Feb. 7, 2024

Dear SEC: 

I oppose the OCC Rule Proposal - SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393. 

As a retail investor, I cannot get margin calls waived if I make a risky investment. 

Why, in a market that is already heavily favored towards institutions, and not the retail “dumb money” investor, are you considering adding yet another rule that favors institutions? 

Is it because institutions (smart money) have invested money/assets they never owned and today they cannot get out of their positions without causing significant damage to the markets/themselves? 

That damage, should it occur, is not only on the hands of those institutions (smart money) that made risky investments, but also on you for setting rules that allowed this to happen and for not enforcing rules to curb such investments. 

VOTE NO to this rule proposal. 

It will be a small step in the right direction toward helping to make our stock market more fairly balanced for ALL INVESTORS. 

Passing the rule will only encourage more of this type of unfair, corrupt behavior that has created the need to create the proposed rule in the first place. Enough is enough; do your job. 

The United States Stock Market should be a fair market for ALL Investors. 

Cynthia Nicoski 
1527 Cottonwood St NW 
Ham Lake, MN 55304