Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Cornelius Taylor III

Feb. 7, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I am adamantly opposed to what is being proposed in the above-referenced rule change as it is completely and utterly unfair to retail investors. Can retail investors get margin calls waived when we make risky bets that get out of control? ABSOLUTELY NOT. So why, in a market that is already heavily favored to institutions that would benefit from this rule passing, are you considering adding yet another rule that favors them? Clearly it’s because the institutions have made bets that they cannot afford to get out of without causing significant damage to markets.

That damage, should it occur, is not only on the hands of those institutions that made the ridiculously greedy bets, but on you for setting the rules that allowed to happen in the first place and for not enforcing rules to curb such bets.

Striking down this rule proposal will be a small step in the right direction toward helping make our markets more fairly balanced. On the contrary, passing it will be doing nothing more than encourage the type of behavior that has created the need to create the proposed rule.

I will be forwarding a version of this letter to my congressional representatives because I will not give my vote to any elected official supporting this nonsense. I will also be encouraging everyone I can to do the same.

Enough is enough; do your job!

C. Taylor, MBA